Friday 22 January 2010

Aspiring Champion

Ok so finished the champion today, took a basic marine, cut if the powerfist from the terminator I got free with "White Dwarf" during the Black Reach release, and added a few claws for a more "chaosy" feel. Painted the shoulder pad red in contrast to the usual colour scheme, I reckon that as someone gets closer to their god (khorne in my case) so the higher up the rank they are the more red I will paint on their armour!

Hopefully will post pics either later tonight or later on this weekend.

OK people here we go....

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Ok, so included here are my two test chaos models (one with a hand built icon/banner of khorne!) and my currently unfinished Tau hammerhead with ion cannon. Hope you like them, feel free to post comments and any suggestions you may have!

First Post

After much prompting from Matt and Owen, I have decded to set up my own blog. It makes much more sense to post pictures than to bring in models than fall out of your bag and get crushed by cars. (I know from personal experience!) First models will go up tonight and will probably be my two Chaos marine test models, and the unfinished Tau Hammerhead.