Tuesday 12 October 2010

Hiya Guys!

Came through as promised. Pictures!
These pictures are of my currently developing 500pt version of my demonic tau.

-Chaos Lord
-Deamon Weapon
-Termi Armour

-8 Khorne Bezerkers /w personal icon

-8 Lesser Deamons

First up, the lord (at least until i get round to converting farsight...)

And now the two bezerkers I have painted, and their ride.

And finally, the lesser deamons (unpainted, but converted)

Tuesday 5 October 2010

right. time to give this dying blog a good kick up the arse. scince i last posted we ran a tournament at school. i did fairly well with my tau (chaos wasn't finished in time) but i realised i hated playing them, and to make a tau army i enyoyed i would have to buy hundereds of suits! nada, not happening. so i stuck with chaos. and i love them!

Then on a forum, i saw someone slagging off the idea of chaos tau, i lept at the challenge to a) make a fluff that works. b) do some epic conversions! i think i succeded in that respect.

the suits i already have are now terminators (i'll get pics soon) and the fluff is that the suits have been possesed not the tau, and therefore bypass the whole greater good and no warp pressence problem.

here's my tournament list

Chaos Lord
-Terminator Armour
-Deamon Weapon

Kharn the Betrayer

3x Terminator
-Champion Upgrades x3
-Heavy Flamer
-2x Combi Plasma

8x Khorne Berzerkers /w icon
-Rhino /w multimelta

8x Khorne Berzerkers
-Skull Champion /w PW and icon
-Rhino /w multimelta

8x Khorne Berzerkers
-Skull Champion /w PW and icon
-Rhino /w multimelta


2x Oblitorator

Monday 3 May 2010

Ok, so I've just finished painting my Uruk-Hai Phalanx unit (literally, the paint is still drying on my hands!) and on wednesdy will be on my knees begging to borrow priceys camera that he uses for his shots (the reselution is magnificent and even that cant pick fault at his work. View it here ) and will post them up soon.

One particular model I'm proud of is the captain. I angled the grove that goes into the slota base up about 2cm, and then (using my traditional tile adhesive!) modeled a rock around it. and for a finishing tounch cut some bristles off an old paintbrush to make a bush... thingy...

You'll see soon.

Monday 26 April 2010

Hey Guys, Sorry I haven't posted in a while.

Not much news on the 40k front, pinted a few more of the zerkers and some of the plauge marines. (Which my Tau army now hate btw!)

But in other news, upon playing War of the Ring, I have decided to start up a small force of the white hand, and so will be posting up the first model soon. (soon as i can get my hands on a good camera that is!)

Thursday 4 March 2010

Ok so last night finsished off the second model for my commision, and built the basis of my daemon prince. Will upload some pictures tonight...

And wrote a little backstory for my chaos. Here it is. C&C please as always!


A space marine order initiating a withering hail of cyclone missiles, completely exterminating all life forms on a planet, on-one has ever survived one....

Until now.

Imagine a small war band of chaos underground, led by the Khornate Battle Master Kurn, fighting for their lives and for favor of the chaos gods against the near infinite tide of Necrons, on a planet far from the centre of the imperium, followers of slannesh fighting on the surface against wave upon wave of imperial guard and loyalist space marine...

And when they emerge they find everything gone. No war. No Loyalist scum or brother chaos. Just ... nothing.

And so retrieving the last two ships from underground, and hell bent on destroying the traitorous scum who robbed them of a birth planet, they leapt into space. One ship filled with Khornate soldiers and Nurgle plaugebearers, the other filled with Tzeench's minions...

But there was another...

Behind them in the void flew a daemon price with no pronounceable name. Betrayed by Tzeench and believed to be destroyed, he whispered psychically into Kurn's mind...

Without any warning, the Tzeench ship was fired on broadside, and was lost to the warp. And so the war band was eternally blessed by the presence of the daemon price, which remained unseen, but quietly guided them.

The last ship continued unheeded dropping out of the warp only for fresh victims and spawn planets. It would continue in this way for millennia, until it reached its destination...


Monday 1 March 2010

Started my commission today. Doing them in The Purge Colours.

Here's some pics of the sorcerer. Did some flames in blood red on the armour pads...

C&C please! And again I apologise for the shit pictures...

Saturday 27 February 2010

Here we are! The secret project.

I've been working on scratchbuilding a rhino trying to keep it as cheap as possible.

Used foamboard for the structure (£10 for 5 sheets used one sheet so £2)

Used some filler i had lying around (free) and some sandpaper (free) and some spikey bitz from the chaos box set (also free) and viola...

A rhino for £2!

Tuesday 23 February 2010

OK, so got my first commission signed up for and will begin painting next week. Its a unit of 9 chaos marines (I know I promised something else than chaos and tau but never mind) with a sorcerer to boot. I plan to paint them in black legion colours, and will post pics of each stage. I apologise in advance for the quality of the pictures as there was an unfortunate incident yesterday where the camera got washed, so until I can fork out for a new one, the pictures will have to be taken on my phone....

Friday 19 February 2010

Let me tell you a story...

Once upon a time, far far away..

Well just up in Waddington actually! I got for my birthday the tau battle force. In this came.... the devilfish. Being as eager as I was I lept to thr challenge...

Aaaand cocked it up.

And then to compound matters further, I then tried to use it as scenery. (crashed devilfish) and covered it with snow. Facepalm moment!

The results are shown below.

As I was creating my list for the upcoming tornament a realized I needed another tank. A devilfish to be precise...

Hmmmm. You start to see the idea...

After 3 hours...

So still a long way to go, but its a start.

btw this is not the secret project!

Sunday 14 February 2010

Shhhh....It's a secret!

Started a secret project. Another one of my "money saver" Ideas. Looking pretty good at the moment, will post a hint tommorow...

Tuesday 9 February 2010

Huzzah! Found a way around the failing uploader! Images were uploaded, but were not imbedding in the post for some reason. Hmm... might have to do some more research.

Also, btw, I've started doing commisions for the local gaming club so with their permission you will soon be seeing something other than Chaos and Tau!

Pics I promised...

Still not working....

Friday 5 February 2010

Lots of Gubbinz...

Bitz and Bobs tonight. Painted the powerfist on the champion (switched it remember? wasn't happy with it!) added a whole bunch of spikey bitz to the rhino, including importantly a little conversion to the havoc launcher, meaning it can be switched for a pole with a tau head on it! touched up the lord but no point posting that as picture quality is not good enough to show you what I've done...

hmmm sorry problem posting the pics, will try again tommorow...

Tuesday 2 February 2010


More paint on the tank....

Didnt like the converted powerfist i did so switched it for the one in the box set...

Monday 1 February 2010

And at the end of the evening...

Still struggling to get a nice even finish with the red paint but never mind...

Lastest from the forgeworld Reeves...

OK long post tonight, to start with I have attempted to paint a muriel on the back of my new chaos rhino, in the form of a dragon. I think it worked out pretty well but judge for yourself.

Upon discovering that the my new battleforce did not contain a lord I set about created one for myself using the parts in the box. Using an ordinary marine legs and rear torso, I used the chest from the khorne aspring champion, the head from the tzeench aspiring sorcerer, the wings and sword (for the deamon weapon) from the posssed squad, and finnally the icon from the icon bearer. Had little converting to do from this as the only thing that needed doing was switching the sword from a left hand to a right hand...

Also finnaly settled on a name for my chapter; cuDRA-COsn, the bit in capitals refering to the dragon they bear as their symbol (I like dragons if you hadn't already guessed...) and the elements Cu (copper) and Sn (tin) being the two element in bronze, the colour of the armour thatr they wear. You can just see the name painted on the tank behind...

Friday 22 January 2010

Aspiring Champion

Ok so finished the champion today, took a basic marine, cut if the powerfist from the terminator I got free with "White Dwarf" during the Black Reach release, and added a few claws for a more "chaosy" feel. Painted the shoulder pad red in contrast to the usual colour scheme, I reckon that as someone gets closer to their god (khorne in my case) so the higher up the rank they are the more red I will paint on their armour!

Hopefully will post pics either later tonight or later on this weekend.

OK people here we go....

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Ok, so included here are my two test chaos models (one with a hand built icon/banner of khorne!) and my currently unfinished Tau hammerhead with ion cannon. Hope you like them, feel free to post comments and any suggestions you may have!

First Post

After much prompting from Matt and Owen, I have decded to set up my own blog. It makes much more sense to post pictures than to bring in models than fall out of your bag and get crushed by cars. (I know from personal experience!) First models will go up tonight and will probably be my two Chaos marine test models, and the unfinished Tau Hammerhead.